CI: Travis Encryption for Windows Dev
For Windows Developers
In order to get the new Plugin Installer working, you will need a TravisCI encryption of a Github Personnal token for your plugin.
Normally, if you were a Linux developer, you could install travisCI and make the encryption, however Windows Developers are generally not interested in installing a new OS in limited hardware space. This alternative does require about 1 gb but does not require a Linux installation.
Installation instructions for the travis tool (written in ruby) are available at Travis CLI Tool
Refer to and download and install the most recent Ruby. For me, Ruby+Devkit 2.6.X (x64). Do not install the 3 options. The installation requires about 1gb.
Open the Ruby Command Prompt with administration privileges and issue the following commands.
$ ruby --version $ ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x64-mingw32] $ gem install travis Downloads and installs even more files. $ travis --version $ 1.8.10 $ travis encrypt --help
In GitHub at your plugin, pick the upper right dropdown> Settings> Developer Settings> Personnal Access Tokens
Now make a new token named "git-ptoken-<your plugin name>-travis" and copy and save the auth-token code.
Next encrypt the GitHub Personnal Access Token for travis using the Ruby/travis Command prompt.
$ echo <my github personnal token for squiddio> | travis encrypt -r rgleason/squiddio_pi --org and the response was Please add the following to your .travis.yml file: secure: "<a travis encryption key that did not match my original key>" Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with --add.
Copy the encryption key and use it in your travis.yml file